Liaison services for faculty
Posted: February 3, 2025
As liaison librarians, we are not only available for student help, but we are also here for faculty to utilize. Learn more about how we can help below.
How the library can work for faculty:
- Foster and enhance collaborative relationships between the library and the ATSU academic community.
- Provide ongoing dialogue, connections, and communication between library and faculty to increase awareness, provide customized services, and promote and integrate library resources and services into the curricula.
- Assist with faculty’s own research needs by setting up consultations with library liaisons to assess review progress, teach faculty the process of structured reviews, and help with the methods and search.
What can liaisons do for you?
- Library and faculty partnerships for student success: Ongoing dialogue, communication, and sharing of information between faculty, including deans and department/program chairs, and the library liaisons regarding curriculum changes, research, teaching, and resource needs.
- Curriculum committees: Invite and work with a liaison where appropriate. Possibly when you are redesigning your curricula or planning to add new courses. This is to help the library make informed decisions and changes that are customized to your curriculum, student and faculty teaching, research, and clinical needs. Invite and allow library liaisons to attend monthly faculty, department, or division meetings and to be on curriculum committees.
- Instruction (synchronous or asynchronous): Effective collaboration between faculty and their library liaison to build online tutorials or course-specific guides for your department or specific courses. Please contact your liaison directly or complete this instruction request form for any instruction, orientation workshop, or presentation needs.
- Resource selection: Partnering in selecting resources that are evidence-based and curriculum-centered. Participate in database trials and provide feedback.
- Systematic/Scoping/Literature Reviews: Liaisons are here to help faculty through the steps of the review process. If you have a research project in mind and would like assistance, please fill out the Systematic and Scoping Review Service Request Form.
Who is your liaison?
Each college, school, department, and program has been assigned a librarian who serves as the first point of contact for personalized help regarding library resources and services. The liaisons’ contact information is available on the Liaison Services page.