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Expert on heat illness/stroke visits ASHS

ATSU-ASHS’ Athletic Training program held an educational seminar for students on exertional heat illness titled “Current concepts regarding the prevention, recognition, and treatment of exertional heat stroke,” presented by Douglas Casa, Ph.D., ATC, FACSM, FNATA.

The seminar focused on current prevention and management strategies, signs and symptoms, recommendations for exertional heat illness prevention policies, and procedures for the secondary school setting. A question-and-answer session followed the seminar.

Dr. Casa is a nationally recognized expert on exertional heat illness and heat stroke. He currently serves as director of Athletic Training Education at the University of Connecticut and was recently appointed as chief operating officer of the Korey Stringer Institute.

Dr. Casa has published numerous research articles in the areas of exertional heat illness and was co-author for the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) position statements on “Exertional Heat Illness” and “Fluid Replacement for Athletes.”

He is a recipient of NATA’s Medal for Distinguished Athletic Training Research and a fellow of NATA and the American College of Sports Medicine.


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