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Win-win: Truman and ATSU share bright futures

Strategic partners in many ventures, Kirksville’s two universities are poised to take that partnership to the next level.

Troy D. Paino, J.D., Ph.D., Truman State University president, and ATSU President Jack Magruder have spent months in conversation regarding the advantages of a confirmed collaboration, especially in support of ATSU’s new dental school.

“The fates of Kirksville, ATSU, and Truman are inextricably joined; over time, our individual successes will benefit the entire community,” Dr. Paino said. “Truman’s support for ATSU’s dental program is unequivocal, and we will do whatever we can to ensure its success.”

Initiatives in support of Missouri Dental include Truman’s development of a pre-dental club and pre-dentistry concentration as well as a cooperatively developed admissions process to co-enroll Truman students in the dentistry program.

Other exciting initiatives also are on the radar, such as possible new graduate degree programs in pharmacy and nursing.

“I am excited about the increasingly valuable partnership between our universities, especially with respect to ATSU’s new dental program,” said President Magruder. “ATSU, Truman, and the city of Kirksville will be the beneficiaries of our cooperation.”

While no timelines for these initiatives have been outlined, it is certain that each institution will share continued successes, building upon their already strong relationship. For many years the universities have pooled resources – Truman uses ATSU’s anatomy lab, ATSU makes constant use of Truman’s Baldwin Hall Auditorium, and researchers from both campuses share new ideas at ATSU’s annual Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Symposium. Countless other examples abound, each a win-win for Kirksville’s fine institutions of higher education.


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