Still family represented at Hall of Famous Missourians Induction
Posted: April 23, 2014
Several members of the Still family were present at the Induction of Andrew Taylor Still, DO, into the Hall of Famous Missourians in Jefferson City on April 16, 2014.
Photographed are L-R: Richard H. Still III, DO, ’78, and Adam Still, great-great-grandsons of A.T. Still, and Andrew T. Still, IV, great-great-great-grandson.
Richard H. Still, III, DO, is a Kirksville High School, Truman State University, and 1978 graduate of A.T. Still University-Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine. A St. Louis, Mo. urologist, Dr. Richard Still serves on the Kirksville Osteopathic Alumni Association Board of Directors.