No shortage of smiles at Give Kids A Smile
Posted: February 27, 2014
More than 400 children received oral healthcare services on Friday, February 21 at the A.T. Still University-Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health’s (ATSU-ASDOH) annual Give Kids A Smile event.
The Mesa, Ariz. campus dental clinic buzzed with action as hundreds of children from Phoenix area elementary schools arrived bus after bus. Children received dental services ranging from cleanings, sealants, fillings and extractions. Services were delivered by dental students, faculty and staff, as well as more than 30 ATSU-ASDOH alumni who volunteered their time to help provide services.
The 2014 Give Kids A Smile, a national movement founded by the American Dental Association, marks ATSU-ASDOH’s ninth annual event. In partnership with the Arizona Dental Foundation, thousands of children have been treated for oral healthcare services.