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May 2020 from the university librarian

Congratulations to all our A.T. Still University graduates. The library congratulates you on the culmination of all your hard work and studies, and wishes you well on your future endeavors. I hope the library has been an efficient and useful resource for you during your educational journey. 

When you are ready, we offer some resources to our alumni, including 5 free articles per month from our document delivery service.  

The library transitioned along with the entire University to online services. Resource usage, questions from faculty and students, and literature search requests have all increased dramatically. The library’s 3D print shop on the Missouri campus with ITS and the Kirksville Vocational School supplied face shields and Montana masks for the local hospital and other health care professionals. They churned out over 700 face shields and are still cranking our face masks for internal ATSU use.  

Some important dates to remember: 

Study and work hard, enjoy your last few weeks of the semester and then, enjoy your summer!


by Hal Bright, MERLS, university librarian


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