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ATSA annual high school workshop

Each year the Athletic Training Student Association (ATSA) puts on a high school workshop, inviting high school students from around Arizona to come to A.T. Still University’s Mesa campus and learn more about anatomy, sports medicine, and athletic training. This year, 100 students from nine schools participated in the event. ATSA members developed educational materials and presented on upper extremity anatomy, musculoskeletal ultrasound, taping and splinting, and spine boarding. This event allows the high school students to get a glimpse into the world of athletic training and what athletic trainers do. Held during National Athletic Training Month, to show appreciation to the athletic trainers at the nine schools, we asked the students to write what athletic trainers mean to them or qualities their athletic trainer possesses on Post-it notes. At the end of the event, we presented the poster to show the collection of wonderful things students think of their athletic trainers.

board of postit notes from the high school workshop


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