ASHS hosts first winter institute for D.H.Sc. students
Posted: May 20, 2010
In an era when healthcare reform is an ongoing concern for the public, students at ATSU are addressing fundamental issues facing today’s healthcare system.
ATSU-ASHS launched its first winter institute for Doctor of Health Sciences (D.H.Sc.) students in February. Approximately 70 students from across the United States and several international students participated.
The D.H.Sc., an online program that includes a one-week residential component known on campus as the winter institute, is a post-professional degree designed for master’s-prepared healthcare professionals and is one of only three such programs in North America.
During the institute, students were able to meet face-to-face to share research projects, discuss pertinent issues in healthcare, and share ideas from a multidisciplinary health professions perspective with colleagues and faculty.
“The inaugural winter institute has long been anticipated as a highlight of the D.H.Sc. program,” said Program Director Helen Ewing, D.H.Sc., R.N. “This is an exciting event that allows professionals from numerous health disciplines to come together and dialogue around theories studied during classes and discuss the application of coursework to their work environment. Students were very excited about the opportunity to come on campus and meet faculty and staff from departments instrumental to the program’s and their success.”