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ASDOH student exemplifies whole person healthcare

While receiving dental treatment at the ATSU-ASDOH Mesa clinic, a patient received what turned out to be some life-saving information. Bao Huynh, D3, noticed that there was a small mole on the patient’s face. Huynh advised her to have it checked. At Huynh’s suggestion, the patient did follow-up with her doctor and found out that the mole was a melanoma skin cancer. Thankfully, it was found to be in early stages and no further treatment was needed.

ATSU-ASDOH Dean Jack Dillenberg, D.D.S., M.P.H., received a letter from that patient in which she stated, “Thank you for teaching your students to watch for other health issues and not only about teeth. I am very thankful that I went to ATSU and was assigned to Bao Huynh. It was certainly was a life-saving experience. I will forever be grateful for her observation and insistence.”


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