Missouri Digital Heritage website is hosting three collections: Dr. Andrew Taylor Still’s Papers, the American School of Osteopathy Record Books and the Charles E. Still Collection. Made available through a State of Missouri LSTA grant. Check it out here!
Dr. Andrew Taylor Still (center) and students on the front porch of his home
Donor: KCOM [1980.423.10]

Dr. Andrew Taylor Still; Donor: American Osteopathic Association [1985.1041.07]
Still’s father – a preacher, doctor, and abolitionist – shaped his ideas about religion, medicine, and politics. Following his parents to Kansas in 1853, Still became a physician and farmer. He took up the antislavery cause and served with the Union during the Civil War. While the death of four children in 1864 caused him to give up medicine for a time, he eventually returned to his practice. When his work was rejected by family and friends, he returned to Missouri, settling in Kirksville for the rest of his life.
The Collections:

Andrew Taylor Still Papers [1980.423.10] , [2009.10.168A]
The American School of Osteopathy (ASO) comprises about two linear feet (1892-1924; bulk 1894-1900). The collection consists of the school’s Articles of Incorporation, including by-laws and officers’ job descriptions; the Board of Trustees’records, handwritten by H.E. Patterson, D.O., secretary and ASO graduate; the Records of proceedings of the faculty, containing the Board of Trustees’ by-laws; rules, regulations, and records of faculty meetings; and records of meetings and extensive lists of individuals recommended by faculty to receive ASO diplomas. Formats include handwritten, typed and printed materials.
The Charles E. Still Sr. and Jr. Collection comprise about 4 linear feet (1882-1992: bulk 1900-1940) This section of the collection covers only the reminiscences typed and handwritten to Dr. Charles Still, Sr. regarding his father Andrew Taylor Still.
American School of Osteopathy Board Minutes, [1987.1226.01, pg 2 & 18]
Andrew Taylor Still Papers/American School of Osteopathy is a Library Services and Technology Act Digital Imaging Grant funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and coordinated by the Missouri State Library.
Grant No. 2009-LSD9-DIGC9CN9-5836
Grant No. 2010-LSD0-DIGC0CN0-6106