ATSRI member benefits

  1. Benefit from working with a team(s) of researchers who have like interests within assigned research centers.
  3. Benefit from expert external reviews (from EBSC and other professional leaders) of research questions, concept papers, and grants.
  5. Routine interaction with external expert consultants during center meetings to advise on research directions, priorities, questions, and research methodologies to improve the rigor of grants and to help troubleshoot for active projects.
  7. Funds to travel to a conference for research methodology training to improve the skills needed to advance research within the University.
  9. Funds to supplement travel to present research at regional, national, or international scientific conferences.
  11. Funds to assist the purchase of instrumentation that would help your research team accomplish their research goals.
  13. Funds to assist in the payment of licensing fees for instrumentation used for a productive line of research within an institute center.
  15. Funds to assist with publication costs.
  17. Funds to assist with the payment of maintenance fees for research equipment used within an institute-designated research project.
  19. Free registration at
  21. Funds to assist with the hiring of interns/students for ATSRI scientists’ labs through the Clinician Researcher Development Program.
    2. A limited amount of funds are available on an annual basis. An application process is required for consideration of funding. Center directors will prioritize the needs of the center’s researchers in allocating funds.
    4. Recipients of such funding would be expected to come back and share the knowledge gained at the conference with the other Center participants.
    6. CRDP participant expectations, either:
      2. Work full-time for two months during the summer,
      4. 5-10 hours per week throughout the academic year,
      6. Or, if an intern provides meaningful research activity with an ATSRI scientist for less than five hours per week during the academic year, it’s possible for the intern to receive prorated funding.
  1. Benefit from predominately displayed work on the ATSRI website.
  3. Benefit from of use of digital message boards for ATSRI and its researchers on both the Kirksville and Mesa campus. These boards highlight researchers, provide a tool for subject recruitment, and bring researchers together for our research symposium and other strategic events. The website is currently being revamped to advance its capability as a social media tool.
  5. Benefit from increased notoriety as an ATSRI scientist with picture and CV prominently displayed on ATSRI’s website and at designated locations on both campuses.
  7. Benefit from ATSRI support for promoting the establishment/expansion of office and lab space on the Mesa campus.
  9. Benefit from the enhanced coordination of ATSRI with research support and sponsored program staff on both campuses.
  11. Benefit from the opportunity to incorporate ATSRI instrumentation in your line of research.