AuD Life Moments | Dr. Paul S.


My private practice is in Michigan, U.S. The majority of my study time was accomplished in the evening hours, usually between 8 pm and 2 am. Since I own my own practice, I had the fortunate circumstance of being able to start my day at 10 am each morning during the work week. The weekends were split with Saturday being a family day with Sunday getting back to work on the ATSU’s Post-Professional AuD Program for several hours. My spouse was amazing during this time, allowing me to have the time away from her six evenings a week, but—Saturdays belonged to her—no excuses! It worked out, happy to report!

My success in obtaining the goal of becoming a doctor of audiology can, in large part, be attributed to the incredible support of my AuD professors who showered me with helpful feedback and liberal praise.

Without Dr. Ruotolo giving me, one of the oldest students, the opportunity to prove myself worthy of being called “Doctor,” I would have never realized my dream. In fact, in a chance encounter at AAA circa 2014, where she had set up an ATSU post-professional AuD program information booth, I would have missed the opportunity altogether. Her enthusiasm and futuristic outlook on a holistic health approach to audiology stimulated and motivated me to keep in touch with the progress she was making establishing the international AuD curriculum. Sometimes in life, it’s luck that provides the edge needed to go beyond what is only a dream.

In conclusion, I would like all future AuD hopefuls to know that nothing is beyond their reach. If you are motivated to be recognized as an audiologist who practices at the top of their license, PLEASE do not let age or doubts deter you. GO FOR IT! There are professors who will help you succeed!

AuD Whole Person Moments

A lifetime of audiology

My AuD journey

The difference Dr. made

Stick with it

AuD from Australia

Accomplishing the unimaginable with a flexible learning schedule

Gaining a global view of audiology

Proving myself worthy of being called “Doctor”

Keeping my eye on the prize

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