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Grants & You September 2015
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Grants & You September 2015

Grants & You Readership Survey – Help us Help YOU

A brief readership survey will be conducted in September to help guide the content, format, and frequency of the Grants & You newsletter. The goal is to ensure that Grants & You is responsive to your needs and preferences. On September 10, a survey link will be sent via email to ATSU administrators, faculty, and staff. We value your feedback.

Featured Items

NIH Seeks Public Input on Strategies for Simplifying Grant Application Instructions

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) seeks input on restructuring the NIH grant application instructions. Through an official Request for Information, NIH is inviting comments from all interested parties and is particularly encouraging feedback from principal investigators/project directors, administrative offices, offices of sponsored programs, systems administrators, and others who rely on NIH application submission information. Responses to the RFI must be submitted electronically on the submission website by September 25, 2015.

What are the Chances of Getting Funded?

NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research provides a look at the latest success, award, and funding rates… and more.

2015 NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding & Grants Administration

NIH will host this 2-day event October 14-16, 2015, in San Diego, with an optional pre-seminar workshop day October 13. The seminar will include more than 50 NIH and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) staff sharing the latest updates and guidance on NIH initiatives, policies, and updates on the NIH grants process. Attendees will learn about topics ranging from peer review and grant writing to NIH’s implementation of the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Uniform Guidance, special grant programs and finding the right funding opportunity, animals and human subjects in research, as well as pre- and post- award management. Opportunities to participate in the 1-on-1 Meet the Experts and open Q&A sessions ensure you can get your specific questions answered and receive individual guidance. These seminars are ideal for those who are new to working with NIH as well as those in need of an update on NIH funding and grant policy.

New Automated Proposal Compliance Checks in Fastlane

The National Science Foundation has released a new set of automated proposal compliance checks in FastLane. These latest checks will trigger warning messages if required proposal sections are missing from electronic grant application packages. For example, if a Conference proposal submitted in response to a Program Solicitation does not include the required Current and Pending Support section, FastLane will trigger a warning message directing the applicant to review the requirements specified in the solicitation. Warning messages will not prevent a proposal from being submitted, whereas error messages will.

Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Symposium 2015

The Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Symposium is open to regional undergraduate and graduate students, osteopathic and allopathic medical students, dental students, other allied health professional students, residents and clinicians, faculty, and researchers.

  • Funded and Submitted Grant Proposals +

    • Funded

      *Jack Dillenberg, DDS, MPH, ASDOH, “Expanding Dental Workforce Training within Collaborative, Team-based Care Targeting FQHC/Underserved Populations – Year 6,” Health Resources and Services Administration, $349,050, July 2015 – June 2016.

      **Doris Fountain, RN, KCOM AHEC Program Office, “Northeast Missouri Regional Arthritis Center – Year 31,” Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, $50,251, July 2015 – June 2016.

      **Jason Haxton, MA, Museum of Osteopathic Medicine, “Phase 1 of Interactive Website Design for the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine,” American Osteopathic Foundation, $19,850, June 2015 – May 2016.

      **Margaret Hoogland, MLS, ATSU University Library, “Connecting Kids and Health Information via Community Partnerships,” National Network of Libraries Medicine, $1,500, May 2015 – April 2016.

      *Uzoma Ikonne, PhD, SOMA Pharmacology, Anna Campbell, PhD, SOMA Anatomy, and Joy Lewis, PhD, SOMA Public Health, “Lecture Capture Technology, Student Attendance, and Academic Performance,” American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, $4,981, July 2015 – December 2016.

      *Peter Kondrashov, PhD, KCOM Anatomy, “Development of Clinical Skills in NRMC Residents and Third- and Fourth-Year Osteopathic Medical Students Within a Hands-on Simulation Surgical Skills Lab Using Cadaveric Material,” Northeast Missouri Osteopathic Charitable Trust, $34,000, June 2015 – December 2016.

      *Lawrence LeBeau, DO, SOMA Graduate Medical Education, Christine Morgan, EdD, CHES, SOMA, and Deborah Heath, DO, SOMA Family Medicine and OMM, “Assessing Competency in Family Medicine Residents Using the OMM Mini-CEX,” American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, $4,768, June 2015 – December 2016.

      **Robert Schneider, DO, FAAFP, KCOM Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, “Still Caring Health Connection (in affiliation with Volunteers in Medicine) Family Medicine Cares USA,” American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation, $21,986, July 2015 – June 2020.

      *Marc Shlossman, DMD, and Sabah Kalamchi, DDS, FFDRCS, ASDOH, “Nasseo First-In-Man Clinical Study,”Nasseo, Inc., $7,000, July 2015 – January 2017.

      *Yvette Thornton, RDH, and Heather Johnson, RDH, MEd, ASDOH Dentistry in the Community, “Smiles Across Pinal County,” The Delta Dental of Arizona Foundation, $51,000, June 2015 – May 2016.

      *Yvette Thornton, RDH, and Heather Johnson, RDH, MEd, ASDOH Dentistry in the Community, “Smiles Across Pinal County,” National Children’s Oral Health Foundation, $5,000, August 2015 – July 2016.

      **Tamara Valovich McLeod, PhD, ATC, FNATA, ASHS Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, “Youth Football Safety Study (Year 4),” Datalys Center, $24,000, July 2015 – December 2015.

      *Margaret Wilson, DO, and Patricia Sexton, DHEd, FNAOME, KCOM, “Preparing Primary Care Trainees to Transform Health Care Systems – Year 1,” Health Resources and Services Administration – Primary Care Training and Enhancement, $240,267, July 2015 -June 2016.

      Submitted (Pending)

      **Debra Loguda-Summers, Museum of Osteopathic Medicine, “Digitization and Transcription of the Business Letters of the American School of Osteopathy 1889 – 1900,” Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association, $3,000, February 2016 – June 2016.

      **Tamara Valovich McLeod, PhD, ATC, FNATA, ASHS Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, “Head Trauma: Evaluation of Concussive and Repetitive Head Impacts by Molecular, Imaging and Clinical Assessments,” Pac 12: Student-Athlete Health and Well-Being Grant Program, $57,636, November 2015 – November 2018.

      Intramural Funding – 2015 Cycle – applications funded

      ATSU Student Research Grant

      Alyssa Sleight, AT, ‘16, ASHS Athletic Training, Tamara Valovich McLeod, PhD, ATC, FNATA, faculty co-mentor, ASHS Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, and Cailee Welch, PhD, ATC, faculty co-mentor, ASHS Athletic Training, “Adolescent Athlete and Parent Perceptions of Health-Related Quality of Life following Sport-Related Concussion,” $1,000.

      ATSU Strategic Research Fund (SRF)

      James Lynskey, PT, PhD, ASHS Physical Therapy, “Robot-Assisted Ankle Rehabilitation and Neural Plasticity after Stroke,” $28,837.

      Tara McIsaac, PT, PhD, ASHS Physical Therapy, and Amy Lyons-Kennedy, MS, ASHS Occupational Therapy, “Dual Task Attention & Multi-limb Control in PD: Translation to a Driving Simulator Environment,” $30,000.

      Warner/Fermaturo and the ATSU Board of Trustees Research Fund

      Zulfiqar Ahmad, PhD, KCOM Biochemistry, “Molecular Modulation of the Catalytic Sites of Escherichia Coli F1Fo ATP Synthase,” $10,000.

      Yingzi Chang, MD, PhD, KCOM Pharmacology, “Role of SHP2 in MCPIP1-mediated Attenuation of IL-6-induced Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Migration,” $10,000.

      James Cox, PhD, KCOM Biochemistry, “Effect of Cystatin Peptide on B16 Melanoma Cells,” $10,000.

      Neil Sargentini, PhD, and Deborah Hudman, MS, KCOM Microbiology and Immunology, “Survey of Adair County Ticks for Bacterial and Viral Agents of Human Disease,” $6,000.

      Melissa Stuart, PhD, KCOM Microbiology and Immunology, “Inflammatory Responses Elicited by Trichomonas tenax in Human Gingival Epithelial Cells,” $9,714.

      Bruce Young, PhD, KCOM Anatomy, “3D Reconstruction of the Neural Pathway for Audition in Snakes,” $9,544.

      G. Wayne Zhou, PhD, KCOM Biochemistry, “Identify the Predictive Biomarkers for sDILI (severe Drug Induced Liver Injury) Compounds by Using the DAMA Staining Technology,” $10,000.

      KCOM Biomedical Sciences Proposals Funded – $6,000

      Spencer Batten and William Sexton, PhD, KCOM Biomedical Sciences, “Acute Creatine Kinase Inhibition in Type-I and Type-II Skeletal Muscle.”

      Mydah Choudhry and Vineet Singh, PhD, KCOM Microbiology and Immunology, “Molecular Assessment of Bacterial Species Implicated in Periodontitis.”

      Sarah Dobard and William Sexton, PhD, KCOM Biomedical Sciences, “5HT1B/D Receptor Agonists and Their Effects on Coronary Hemodynamics in Rats.”

      Travis Hohenbery and Pandurangan Ramaraj, PhD, KCOM Biochemistry, “Effects of Androstendione and Testosterone on Human Melanoma.”

      Ally Loveland and Neal Chamberlain, PhD, KCOM Microbiology and Immunology, “Gene Mutation Alteration of Persister Cell Proliferation in Staphylococcus aureus.”

      Clayton Marolt and Raja Rachakatla, PhD, KCOM Anatomy, “Rabbit Umbilical Cord Stem Cells used for IFN-b Delivery in Pancreatic Cancer.”

      Miri Pannu and Neil Sargentini, PhD, KCOM Microbiology and Immunology, “Protective Value of Carotenoid Production in S. aureus.”

      Robert Ring and Vineet Singh, PhD, KCOM Microbiology and Immunology, “Determining the Role of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase on BCFA Metabolism in S. aureus.”

      *Full proposal development and support provided by the ATSU Sponsored Programs team

      **Technical support provided by the ATSU Sponsored Programs/Research Support team(s)

  • Funding Opportunity Announcements +

    • NIH Recently Released Grant Opportunities

      The following table lists RFAs, PAs, and PARs recently released by the National Institutes of Health. If any of these opportunities are of interest to you, contact Sponsored Programs or Research Support at ext. 2860. Grant guidelines and submission deadlines for all active NIH funding opportunities are available at: To learn more about the grants process, see Grants Process Overview.

      Grant FOA number
      Improving Health and Reducing Cardiometabolic Risk in Youth with Serious Emotional Disturbance and Young Adults with Severe Mental Illness (R01) RFA-MH-16-600
      Short-term Measurements of Improved Physical and Molecular Resilience in Pre-clinical Models (R01) RFA-AG-16-006
      Imaging - Science Track Award for Research Transition (I/START) (R03) PAR-15-326
      End-of-Life and Palliative Needs of Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA) with Serious Illnesses (R01, R21) PA-15-324, PA-15-325
      Pilot Services Research Grants Not Involving Interventions (R34) PAR-15-323
      Biomedical and Behavioral Research Innovations to Ensure Equity (BRITE) in Maternal and Child Health (R15) PAR-15-319
      AHRQ Grants for Health Services Research Dissertation Program (R36) PA-15-318
      Pilot and Feasibility Clinical and Translational Research Studies in Digestive Diseases and Nutrition (R21) PA-15-317
      Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats (CounterACT) Exploratory/Developmental Projects in Translational Research (R21) PAR-15-315
      Research to Advance Vaccine Safety (R21, R01) PA-15-313, PA-15-312
      Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) to Develop New Methods and Technologies for Assessment of Risk and for Early Diagnosis and Prognosis of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) (R43/R44) RFA-DK-15-024
      Innovative Basic Research on Adducts in Cancer Risk Identification and Prevention (R01, R21) PAR-15-308, PAR-15-309
      Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) to Develop New or Improved Closed Loop Automated Technologies for Diabetes Therapy and Monitoring (R43/R44) RFA-DK-15-022
      Physical Activity and Weight Control Interventions Among Cancer Survivors: Effects on Biomarkers of Prognosis and Survival (R01) PA-15-311
      Physical Activity and Weight Control Interventions Among Cancer Survivors: Effects on Biomarkers of Prognosis and Survival (R21) PA-15-310
      Lymphatics in Health and Disease in the Digestive System, Kidney, and Urinary Tract (R01) PAR-15-306
      Tools for Monitoring and Manipulating Modified RNAs in the Nervous System (R43/R44, R41/R42) RFA-DA-16-005, RFA-DA-16-006
      Collaborative Projects to Accelerate Research in Organ Fibrosis (R01) RFA-HL-16-003
      Establishing Outcome Measures for Clinical Studies of Oral and Craniofacial Diseases and Conditions (R01, R21) PAR-15-302, PAR-15-298
      Alcohol Use Disorders: Behavioral Treatment, Services and Recovery Research (R03, R01, R21) PA-15-300, PA-15-299, PA-15-301
      NINDS Research Program Award (R35) RFA-NS-16-001
      Novel and Innovative Tools to Facilitate Identification, Tracking, Manipulation, and Analysis of Glycans and their Functions (R21) RFA-RM-15-008
      Screening and Brief Alcohol Interventions in Underage and Young Adult Populations (R03, R01, R21 ) PA-15-296, PA-15-295, PA-15-294
      Secondary Analysis of Existing Databases in Traumatic Brain Injury to Explore Outcomes Relevant to Medical Rehabilitation (R21) RFA-HD-16-001
      Networks to Develop Priority Areas of Behavioral and Social Research (R24) RFA-AG-16-008
      Limited Competition: Small Grant Program for NHLBI K01/K08/K23 Recipients (R03) RFA-HL-16-020
      Direct Phase II SBIR Grants to Support Extended Development, Hardening, and Dissemination of Technologies in Biomedical Computing, Informatics, and Big Data Science (R44) PAR-15-288
      Exploration of the Roles of Brown and Beige Adipose Tissue in Humans (R01) RFA-DK-15-031
      Bioengineering Research Partnership (BRP): Non- or Minimally-Invasive Methods to Measure Biochemical Substances during Neonatal and Perinatal Patient Care and Research (R01) PAR-15-285
      A Community Research Resource of Microbiome-Derived Factors Modulating Host Physiology in Obesity, Digestive and Liver Diseases, and Nutrition (R24) RFA-DK-15-012
      Exploratory Studies for Delineating Microbiome: Host Interactions in Obesity, Digestive and Liver Diseases and Nutrition (R21) RFA-DK-15-013
      Extracellular Vesicles and Substance Abuse (R21, R01) PAR-15-284, PAR-15-283
      Strategies to Increase Delivery of Guideline-Based Care to Populations with Health Disparities (R01) PAR-15-279
      Superfund Research Program Occupational and Safety Education Programs on Emerging Technologies (R25) RFA-ES-15-014
      NINDS Exploratory Clinical Trials for Small Business (R42, R44) PAR-15-278, PAR-15-277
      Partnerships for the Development of Novel Assays to Predict Vaccine Efficacy (R01) RFA-AI-15-033
      Short Courses in High Priority Domains of Behavioral and Social Research on Aging (R25) RFA-AG-16-010
      Open Design Tools for Speech Signal Processing (R43/R44, R01) RFA-DC-16-002, RFA-DC-16-001
      Smoking Cessation within the Context of Lung Cancer Screening (R01) RFA-CA-15-011
      Dimensional Approaches to Research Classification in Psychiatric Disorders (R01) RFA-MH-16-510
      Career Development Program in Emergency Care Research (K12) RFA-HL-16-019
      Adherence Studies in Adolescents with Chronic Kidney or Urologic Diseases (R01 RFA-DK-15-017
      PHS 2015-02 Omnibus Solicitation of the NIH for Small Business Technology Transfer Grant Applications (Parent STTR [R41/R42]) PA-15-270
      Grants for Early Medical/Surgical Subspecialists’ Transition to Aging Research (GEMSSTAR) (R03) RFA-AG-16-015
      Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award for New and Early Stage Investigators (R35) RFA-GM-16-003
      NIH Transformative Research Awards (R01) RFA-RM-15-005
      Exploratory Clinical Trials of Novel Interventions for Mental Disorders (R61/R33) RFA-MH-16-406

      NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs)

      Open: September 1 through November 16 Annually
      Purpose: You do the research. NIH will repay your student loans. That is the idea behind the NIH LRPs. NIH wants to encourage outstanding health professionals to pursue careers in biomedical, behavioral, social, and clinical research. If you commit at least two years to conducting qualified research funded by a domestic nonprofit organization or US federal, state, or local government entity, NIH may repay up to $35,000 of your qualified student loan debt per year, including most undergraduate, graduate, and medical school loans. Loan repayment benefits are in addition to the institutional salary you receive for your research. If you are or will be conducting qualified research funded by a domestic nonprofit institution outside NIH, you may be eligible for one of the five extramural LRPs:
      Clinical Research
      Pediatric Research
      Health Disparities Research
      Contraception and Infertility Research
      Clinical Research for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds.

      Other Extramural Funding Opportunities

      Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Invites Applications for Program Enhancement Award

      Through its annual Family Medicine Program Enhancement Award program, STFM awards grants of up to $2,000 to family medicine programs looking to implement enhancements at their institutions while developing the leadership skills of family medicine faculty. This award replaces the Faculty Enhancement Experience Award. Preference will be given to programs whose project leaders are early in their academic careers.
      Eligible projects must be designed to provide a hands-on learning and leadership opportunity for a faculty member (project leader) based on a specific program enhancement. Application deadline is September 18, 2015.

      The Walmart Foundation’s State Giving Program

      The Foundation’s mission is to create opportunities so people can live better. Core funding areas are hunger relief, job training, and support of local schools. In 2015, Community Engagement funding to support unmet needs of unserved low-income populations—including unmet health care access needs—is also available. Funding deadlines vary by state, with Arizona and Missouri proposals being accepted by the Foundation September 14-18, 2015.